Thursday, 23 February 2017

decades of empirical evidence ka paul dr ka paul

   Iran cannot be trusted to keep promises based on
2. Iran's top leaders, including the Ayatollah himself, have clearly stated that they will not change their armament plans and that they have a right to such weapons.
3. Iran has refused to agree on any of the initial "deal-breaking" demands of the U.S., including allowing U.S. inspectors in prior to ratifying the deal.
4. Iran continues to sponsor terrorism throughout the region – and now with tens of billions of dollars in additional income thanks to this deal, their terrorist activities are guaranteed to increase 100 times over.
5. Iran's leaders call for death to Israel and death to America even now.
6. Iran's deal will allow this radical state to develop weapons like North Korea.
7. Iran is more committed to wiping out Israel today than ever before.
8. With the growing support of Russia and China, Iran is already preparing for World War III and believes it is the nation's destiny to bring it about.
9. To save Israel is to save the Middle East and to save the world.
10. Finally, members of Congress must stop trying to appease this White House, their respective party leaders, or the international community and do the right thing.
decades of empirical evidence and past performance.

with Hillary during my personal peace ka paul ka paul

  1. I first met Don Jr. at Rita Cosby's birthday party in New York 12 years ago, then met him again last month. He's a caring, compassionate and intelligent young man as is his brother Eric. Building a strong family says so much and is a mark of true success.
There are many other reasons why I am supporting Trump – but primarily because he has the moxie to stop Hilary Clinton from becoming the president.  I'm sorry to say this as I do not like to speak ill of others, but she is a liar, not at all trust worthy, and seeking the highest office in the land for all of the wrong reasons. I have personal experienceLibya in 2011. I'm speaking the truth when I say she is the main reason for ISIS in Libya and the tragic death of Ambassador Stevens, a friend, and those who tried to defend him.
with Hillary during my personal peace mission to

Dr. Kilari Anand Paul, as advisor to presidents and world leaders, is calling on the 50 governors of the U.S. states, all 100 Senators, and 435 Representatives to get together behind Donald Trump.  Of the 585 top leaders in the United States, only one governor, Chris Christie, and one Representative, New York's Chris Collins have publicly backed Mr. Trump.  If you love America, everyone must get behind Donald Trump right now.

He's a caring, compassionate and intelligent ka paul dr ka paul

  1. Increasingly so in his season of life, he's a family man who loves his wife and his remarkable children who are each extraordinary people. I was with his wife Melania and daughter Ivanka on January 14th of this year and told both of them that nothing would stop him because God is with hi; and that includes The Pope! He was married three times and divorced, but this is sadly true of many top Christian preachers these days and it does not seem to disqualify them (this level of marital instability seems to have become common in the US but not in my native country India – you'll hear me speak more of this in the coming years). This said, he has raised two great sons.  I first met Don Jr. at Rita Cosby's birthday party in New York 12 years ago, then met him again last month.
    He's a caring, compassionate and intelligent young man as is his brother Eric. Building a strong family says so much and is a mark of true success.
There are many other reasons why I am supporting Trump – but primarily because he has the moxie to stop Hilary Clinton from becoming the president.  I'm sorry to say this as I do not like to speak ill of others, but she is a liar, not at all trust worthy, and seeking the highest office in the land for all of the wrong reasons. I have personal experience with Hillary during my personal peace mission to Libya in 2011. I'm speaking the truth when I say she is the main reason for ISIS in Libya and the tragic death of Ambassador Stevens, a friend, and those who tried to defend him.

Dr. Kilari Anand Paul, as advisor to presidents and world leaders, is calling on the 50 governors of the U.S. states, all 100 Senators, and 435 Representatives to get together behind Donald Trump.  Of the 585 top leaders in the United States, only one governor, Chris Christie, and one Representative, New York's Chris Collins have publicly backed Mr. Trump.  If you love America, everyone must get behind Donald Trump right now.

US but not in my native country India ka paul dr ka paul

  • Even though he may not always appear to be, Donald is a people person who genuinely loves the public. He has proven so in taking care of thousands of staff and otherwise providing for the poor. He may not be your typical religious person, but contrary to The Pope's assessment, he is a born again believer and loves Jesus.
  • Increasingly so in his season of life, he's a family man who loves his wife and his remarkable children who are each extraordinary people. I was with his wife Melania and daughter Ivanka on January 14th of this year and told both of them that nothing would stop him because God is with hi; and that includes The Pope! He was married three times and divorced, but this is sadly true of many top Christian preachers these days and it does not seem to disqualify them (this level of marital instability seems to have become common in the
    US but not in my native country India – you'll hear me speak more of this in the coming years). This said, he has raised two great sons.  I first met Don Jr. at Rita Cosby's birthday party in New York 12 years ago, then met him again last month. He's a caring, compassionate and intelligent young man as is his brother Eric. Building a strong family says so much and is a mark of true success. 
  • president that God ever made

  • Few can argue that Donald Trump is not gifted at creating jobs, and is therefore quite justified in saying that he would be "the best job creating
    president that God ever made." Millions of Americans need jobs and he knows how to do it – he's not an ideologue or an academic, he's a financial genius who employs many people. If any of the candidates can fix the debt problem and care for the economy, Trump is the one to do it, and far better than all of the other candidates put together.
  • Even though he may not always appear to be, Donald is a people person who genuinely loves the public. He has proven so in taking care of thousands of staff and otherwise providing for the poor. He may not be your typical religious person, but contrary to The Pope's assessment, he is a born again believer and loves Jesus.

  • Increasingly so in his season of life, he's a family man who loves his wife and his remarkable children who are each extraordinary people. I was with his wife Melania and daughter Ivanka on January 14th of this year and told both of them that nothing would stop him because God is with hi; and that includes The Pope! He was married three times and divorced, but this is sadly true of many top Christian preachers these days and it does not seem to disqualify them (this level of marital instability seems to have become common in the US but not in my native country India – you'll hear me speak more of this in the coming years). This said, he has raised two great sons.  I first met Don Jr. at Rita Cosby's birthday party in New York 12 years ago, then met him again last month. He's a caring, compassionate and intelligent young man as is his brother Eric. Building a strong family says so much and is a mark of true success. 
  • George Bush team and Saddam Hussein ka paul dr ka paul

    Trump is a visionary. He was against Iraq war from the beginning. Myself and my team worked incessantly to stop the Iraq war as I informed a then-powerful group of supporters on January 23rd 2003 at my East Coast Summit supported by Governor Mike Huckabee, Senator John Thune, Susan Terrell, Nelson Bunker Hunt (then Vice President of my humanitarian organization), businessmen John & Joe Gregory and about 50 others influencers.  As I predicted, the Iraq war cost the American taxpayer over $2 trillion dollars, killed at least 2 million people (tragically, mostly innocents), created millions of refugees, and unnecessarily cultivated more terrorist than the world has ever seen before.  This arbitrary and unnecessary war killed and maimed thousands of U.S. solders and the U.S. lost enormous credibility in the region and around the world.  This created an ongoing disaster on the world stage. The Bible says that due to a lack of vision people perish. I say all of this based my 18-month peace negotiations between the Saddam Hussein – negotiations that would have successfully deposed Hussein without firing a single shot, which the White House knew.  Given the vision and thoughtfulness of Mr. Trump, the world would have looked much different today had he been in the White House.
    George Bush team and

    powerful group of supporters on January ka paul dr ka paul

  • I have known Donald for the past 13 years and can tell you he is a strong and committed leader. President Obama has demonstrated himself a weak leader who garners little fear or respect worldwide. Yes, I supported him and campaigned for him in 2008, because he stood against the Iraq war, heeding my call like Dennis Kucinich and precious few others. At this crucial time the United States needs incredibly strong leadership to win escalating wars and to defeat terrorism.
  • Trump is a visionary. He was against Iraq war from the beginning. Myself and my team worked incessantly to stop the Iraq war as I informed a then-
    powerful group of supporters on January 23rd 2003 at my East Coast Summit supported by Governor Mike Huckabee, Senator John Thune, Susan Terrell, Nelson Bunker Hunt (then Vice President of my humanitarian organization), businessmen John & Joe Gregory and about 50 others influencers.  As I predicted, the Iraq war cost the American taxpayer over $2 trillion dollars, killed at least 2 million people (tragically, mostly innocents), created millions of refugees, and unnecessarily cultivated more terrorist than the world has ever seen before.  This arbitrary and unnecessary war killed and maimed thousands of U.S. solders and the U.S. lost enormous credibility in the region and around the world.  This created an ongoing disaster on the world stage. The Bible says that due to a lack of vision people perish. I say all of this based my 18-month peace negotiations between the George Bush team and Saddam Hussein – negotiations that would have successfully deposed Hussein without firing a single shot, which the White House knew.  Given the vision and thoughtfulness of Mr. Trump, the world would have looked much different today had he been in the White House.