Wednesday 22 February 2017

Clark relayed messages that Obama and Clinton ka paul dr ka paul

Paul’s team provides me with a letter (click here to read it) dated Aug. 19, 2011, from then-Libyan prime minister Baghdadi al-Mahmoudi to President Obama. Copying Paul and his fellow American negotiator in Libya, former member of Congress Walter Fauntroy, on the letter, Mahmoudi writes that Libya, in “joint cooperation with the United States,” will “work jointly in the newfound spirit of cooperation between our governments.” According to the letter, Gaddafi was prepared to “immediately” cease fire in the civil war, give Libyans a chance “to choose their government and the way of governing based on freedom,” and agree to the principle that a political solution in Libya would be reached “without interference” from Gaddafi.
The White House, the State Department, and Clark all did not respond to’s requests for comment on the letter.
Paul says he emailed the letter to Clark, who mailed and faxed it to the White House and the State Department. He says
Clark relayed messages that Obama and Clinton were both pleased with the letter. But Paul claims the Obama administration never followed through on a promise to send a helicopter to Libya to bring Paul and Fauntroy home. Instead, Paul says that with the help of a CIA operative, he managed to escape Libya on a 39-hour boat ride to Malta. At the time, media outlets in Paul’s native India had presumed he was dead.
Yet here Paul is on a rainy day in Texas, speaking with me about his international adventures, which he continues to undertake despite the Bush administration’s alleged grounding of his private 747 plane a decade ago. 

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