Wednesday 22 February 2017

leader who garners little ka paul ka paul

  1. Donald Trump will sincerely try to make America great again.  And it is high time America start "winning again" as he says.
  2. Trump is the only candidate that can not be controlled or bought by what is commonly known as "the establishment" (powerful interest groups and their hand-picked politicians) because he is not doing it for the money but he is doing it for right reasons; he truly loves his country and sees life as we know it disappearing. I personally know many wealthy Americans for over 27 years, and many of them have donated millions to my charitable works around the world, but they like control.  Donald Trump will not be controlled by special interests.
  3. I have known Donald for the past 13 years and can tell you he is a strong and committed leader. President Obama has demonstrated himself a weak
    leader who garners little fear or respect worldwide. Yes, I supported him and campaigned for him in 2008, because he stood against the Iraq war, heeding my call like Dennis Kucinich and precious few others. At this crucial time the United States needs incredibly strong leadership to win escalating wars and to defeat terrorism. 

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