Wednesday 22 February 2017

Based on personal interactions, ka paul ka paul

 Dr. K.A. Paul, Founder of Global Peace Initiative (GPI), has compiled a list of 10 reasons why Congress must vote against the Iran Nuclear Deal in September or face certain nuclear war. Dr. Paul launched an international peace initiative in opposition to President Obama's Iran Nuclear Deal, Save Israel and Save the Middle East and is leading a coalition of world leaders, U.S. allies, the GCC nations and religious figures in defense of Israel against Iran's radical and genocidal regime.
Moreover, Dr. Paul has written an open letter to President Obama and has requested the Congressional leadership to meet with him in order to discuss his dire warnings about the Iran Nuclear Deal. In his letter, Dr. Paul states, "I have been a state guest of Iran three times and have met with the leadership of the regime.
Based on personal interactions, I can categorically state the Iranian regime intends to get the bomb "in order to become a regional power that can teach Israel and the U.S. a lesson." He also asks, "Why would Obama lift sanctions on the world's largest state sponsor of terror and not lift them as he promised for Sudan after they've conceded massive resources and land to the Christian South, demonstrating the path to peace?"

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