Wednesday 22 February 2017

Go to the Middle East ka paul ka paul

evangelist or preacher or rabbi takes,” he says. “We don’t sell books like everybody else sells. I don’t promote just a religious agenda, but a peace agenda. Therefore, everybody who has got nothing to lose, who is hungry for peace, comes to my rallies.”
When “millions of people” attend your rallies, Paul says, you have the ear of presidents and prime ministers.
“The message of peace resonates with everybody,” he says. “
Go to the Middle East. Go to Israel and Palestine. You’ll see how many people want peace. It is the leaders that need to be changed.”
Paul supports a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but says he isn’t sure that will ever happen “because now, nobody trusts American leadership. Without proper American leadership, it’s not going to happen.”

In 2000, when Ehud Barak was Israel’s prime minister and Arafat was the Palestinians’ leader, Paul says he “had hopes” that peace was achievable. I ask Paul for his impressions of Arafat. He responds, “Why talk about a dead man? But [he was] a very unique person. That’s all I can say right now.”

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