Wednesday 22 February 2017

I get back in the car and continue my ka paul ka paul – On a rainy day in Huffman, Texas — on the outskirts of Houston, America’s fourth-largest city, yet seemingly in the middle of nowhere — I search for the headquarters of the Global Peace Initiative (GPI). The destination plugged into my iPhone’s navigation app takes me to a cross-bearing building in an otherwise empty grass field. There’s no parking lot, but I slog through the muddy grass to the door. When nobody answers,
I get back in the car and continue my search for GPI.
Minutes later, I receive a phone call from GPI’s founder, Dr. Kilari Anand (K.A.) Paul, a man who has been described as “the world’s most popular evangelist” by The New Republic and “the next Billy Graham” by the New York Times. Indeed, Paul tells me, the seemingly deserted building is GPI’s office. 

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