Wednesday 22 February 2017

Iran Nuclear Deal must not be approved in ka paull ka paul

Moreover, Dr. Paul has written an open letter to President Obama and has requested the Congressional leadership to meet with him in order to discuss his dire warnings about the Iran Nuclear Deal. In his letter, Dr. Paul states, "I have been a state guest of Iran three times and have met with the leadership of the regime. Based on personal interactions, I can categorically state the Iranian regime intends to get the bomb "in order to become a regional power that can teach Israel and the U.S. a lesson." He also asks, "Why would Obama lift sanctions on the world's largest state sponsor of terror and not lift them as he promised for Sudan after they've conceded massive resources and land to the Christian South, demonstrating the path to peace?"
These are the ten reasons why Dr. Paul believes the
1. Iran cannot be trusted to keep promises based on decades of empirical evidence and past performance.
2. Iran's top leaders, including the Ayatollah himself, have clearly stated that they will not change their armament plans and that they have a right to such weapons.
3. Iran has refused to agree on any of the initial "deal-breaking" demands of the U.S., including allowing U.S. inspectors in prior to ratifying the deal.
4. Iran continues to sponsor terrorism throughout the region – and now with tens of billions of dollars in additional income thanks to this deal, their terrorist activities are guaranteed to increase 100 times over.
5. Iran's leaders call for death to Israel and death to America even now.
6. Iran's deal will allow this radical state to develop weapons like North Korea.
7. Iran is more committed to wiping out Israel today than ever before.
Iran Nuclear Deal must not be approved in Congress next month:

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