Wednesday 22 February 2017

Though the deal was signed under ka paul ka paul

Though the deal was signed under the watch of current Secretary of State John Kerry, the Wall Street Journal reported last year that Hillary Clinton, in her last months as secretary of state, “helped open the door to…an acceptance that Tehran would maintain at least some capacity to produce nuclear fuel.” The report cited a “string of high-level meetings” in 2012 in which “the secretary of state and White House concluded that they might have to let Iran continue to enrich uranium at small levels, if the diplomacy had any hope of succeeding.”
“We are not honoring our commitment to lift the sanctions on Sudan,” Paul tells “We are lifting sanctions on Iran, which is increasingly becoming more dangerous than ever before to all the Middle East and the rest of the world. What does this tell our friends?…Therefore, Hillary Clinton should not be elected, because she will continue Obama’s policies.”
But Paul’s opposition of Clinton is about more than policy. It’s personal.
Paul says that in August 2011, during Clinton’s time as secretary of state, he spent 27 days in Libya negotiating with the Gaddafi regime to accede to America’s demands regarding the Libyan civil war. He describes Gaddafi, the notorious dictator who was eventually killed in October of that year, as a “changed man” during the last decade of his life.

“[Gaddafi] was evil. He was a dictator. Ruthless. But he was a born-again believer, you could say. He did whatever America wanted. Finally, during the war, he agreed to every condition Hillary Clinton asked for through her friend, General Wesley Clark, who was on the phone with me at least two or three dozen times when I was in Libya,” Paul recalls.

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